Assuncion, ParaguayI've noticed through the blog stats (thank you Google for such good stats) that one of the most common words which drive readers to the blog is the term "Assuncion", the capital of Paraguay. I do have some photos in the blog of this amazing city and portuguese written text (sorry for the english readers but it would have been too painfull to write a travel diary in english...).
The second term is "Assuncion+shooping", as this is a very common place for brazilians go shopping (even though the most common is Ciudad del Este in the border).
Although I might disapoint some of this blog viewers with no shopping recomendations, I'm uploading some of the photos I didn't publish before.
Once again I must say that Assuncion, even considering the not very safe and healthy environment got stucked in my heart as it was, by far, the most exotic place I've been to. I wrote "exotic" because that what it really is... for me. Portugal, for instance, is exotic for Japanese tourists which I believe it's strange but makes me think about how relative the term "exotic" is.
Well, for me Assuncion (and Paraguay) was exotic. I felt like inside a movie figure planning a revolution or a UN worker getting into this new scenery. As I've refered in the portuguese written text, and for the ones who have ever played Tropico, this is pretty close to the virtual experience.
In resume, I whish I can go back there some day.
I would only ask to see less poverty...

(yes, you also have design in Assuncion and a very attractive museum)