
When the saints go dancing in

Alfama, Lisbon, Portugal

A few posts ago I mentioned the Saints season in Lisbon, which took place around the 13th June (local holiday).

Well, I didn't missed it and brought some photos from the hotest day, the 12th June evening, where I had the chance to live this such unique (for thousands of people) event.

I must say I went to Alfama hill, one of the usual winners of the parade and where you can find in "literally" every corner: the decoration, the music and the sardines.

Forget fado, these days are meant to party. Leave sadness for the hangover...

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At July 04, 2008 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parabéns pelo blogue - pelas fotografias e pelos textos!
No top absoluto (para mim, é claro!): Holding it's breath (19.6.07), After sunset (29.11.07), Under the sun in Figueira-da-Foz e Heidelberg Philophers Pathway (17.12.05).


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